(707) 829 - 1496 (8:30am-4:30pm PST, M-F)|info@piscespro.com
  • The patented Magic Massager is a must have for every massage therapist This unique tool provides the same glide, workability, and silky sensation commonly associated with traditional lubricants, but without the mess. Ideal for seated chair massage services - no more sore fingertips from sweaters, knit shirts, and tees!
  • If you have ever experienced the air at a waterfall, on a mountain top, at the seashore, or after a thunderstorm – then you have experienced the results of Negative Ions and you know how the air smells fresher and how much easier it is for you to breathe.

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    The CranioCradle is an easy to use natural health care product that gently relieves stress, tension and pain so you can thoroughly relax. This encourages joints to decompress and cramped tense muscles to gently release, which creates a positive effect on the central nervous system while allowing your body to discover its natural healing potential


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