(707) 829 - 1496 (8:30am-4:30pm PST, M-F)|info@piscespro.com
  • With the Dolphin II, you simply lean and let your body weight do the work. Other chairs require you to use your upper body, putting strain on your arms, wrists and shoulders. You'll avoid strain and injury and have energy to spare after working with your Dolphin II.
  • The New Wave II Hardwood is the lightest full-size, wooden leg table available - only 25 lbs.!
  • The New Wave II Light is the lightest full-size massage table available starting at only 22lbs. You'll be smiling when you carry the New Wave II table. It's effortless. You'll also avoid straining or injuring yourself, saving your energy for your clients. And your clients will love the added comfort from our innovative woven web top. The Face Rest is an accessory item ordered separately. Only a Pisces Productions headrest will work on your Pisces New Wave II Table.
  • The Salon Pacifica Tilt-Back Massage Table is the lightest full-size, combination table available - only 27 lbs!

    The Pacifica Combination table is ideal for the multi-talented therapist. You can do massage, facials, waxing, reflexology, pregnancy massage, elder massage etc., all in one table! You'll carry it without effort and prevent straining or injuring yourself in the process. Clients will love the additional comfort from our innovative woven web-top. The Face Rest is an accessory item ordered separately.
  • Clinical Shiatsu

    Learn to use Shiatsu to treat back and neck pain, with advanced assessment tools and meridian pairing techniques. This comprehensive DVD covers the majority of the primary meridians, and includes multiple sequences that you can use to vary your work on each client. It also includes Back-shu Points, Ashi points, evaluation in terms of excessive or deficient, chi or blood stagnation, a meridian review and much more. The most advanced Shiatsu video available!

    Cranial - Sacral Therapy

  • Dolphin Stretch - Pisces Products

    S T R E T C H your way to good health with Pisces new innovative Dolphin Stretch. It has a variety of adjustments and functions. You can use it for stretching, meditation, and weight lifting or for traction on the spine to elongate and relieve compressed vertebrae and nerves simply by laying across it.
  • The "Sani-Cover" Fitted Disposable Face Rest Covers

    This amazingly simple yet effective self-massager makes it easy to apply pain-relieving deep compression directly to hard, knotted "trigger points" anywhere they occur - breaking up tension even in the hardest-to-reach muscles between your shoulder blades! If you have limited strength or mobility, Thera Cane's patented design gives you all the reach and leverage you need! 


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