(707) 829 - 1496 (8:30am-4:30pm PST, M-F)|info@piscespro.com
  • Clinical Shiatsu

    Learn to use Shiatsu to treat back and neck pain, with advanced assessment tools and meridian pairing techniques. This comprehensive DVD covers the majority of the primary meridians, and includes multiple sequences that you can use to vary your work on each client. It also includes Back-shu Points, Ashi points, evaluation in terms of excessive or deficient, chi or blood stagnation, a meridian review and much more. The most advanced Shiatsu video available!

    Cranial - Sacral Therapy

  • The T.I.R stones in these sets come from beaches and ancient rivers of Central and South America. Great deposits of basalt stone offer the quality of stone that experienced massage therapists look for. Much care and time is put into harvesting, cleaning, sorting and pairing the stones to ensure that only the finest quality arrives at your door. 

  • If you have ever experienced the air at a waterfall, on a mountain top, at the seashore, or after a thunderstorm – then you have experienced the results of Negative Ions and you know how the air smells fresher and how much easier it is for you to breathe.


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