(707) 829 - 1496 (8:30am-4:30pm PST, M-F)|info@piscespro.com
  • The Emergency Chair (Model# 1400) This chair is the perfect evacuation solution for the mobility impaired. Many people are immobilized by injuries during emergency evacuations, and require quick safe transportation to medical aid. This chair helps reduce trauma and gets the injured away from danger quickly. Whether its used in the home or hi-rise building, the Glider is the ideal device for fast, safe evacuation. No other devices exceed our evacuation chairs in quality, reliability, functionality and pricing.
  • Lightweight and Durable

    Comes in 2, 3, or 4 panel designs

    Our privacy screen is one of the lightest weight screens on the market.

    The fabric is made from polyester with a UV resistant PVC coating that is anti-bacterial and flame retardant(CPA1-84)

    The configuration makes it easy to attach additional panels using hook & loop Straps.

    Set-up is simple using stainless steel rods that snap into place

    Screens roll up for ease of transport and storage using hook and loop straps to secure.

  • The T.I.R stones in these sets come from beaches and ancient rivers of Central and South America. Great deposits of basalt stone offer the quality of stone that experienced massage therapists look for. Much care and time is put into harvesting, cleaning, sorting and pairing the stones to ensure that only the finest quality arrives at your door. 


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